jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

The teen pregnancy

Most complicated pregnancies are not characteristic of women who have made stable homes, but girls who have not achieved the completion of their physical development are facing a situation that is becoming more common.
Previously, the family life education for adolescents was the responsibility of the family.There were also rites of initiation that prepared young men and women for responsible life. However, this is no longer true: most young people start their sexual lives before reaching the age of fifteen without being aware of the risks of sexually transmitted diseases, or be facing a pregnancy when they have no maturity physically or emotionally to take on the arrival of a child.

7 comentarios:

  1. : S assessment of this problem is very serious and'll ascend each day plus the number of pregnancies, so the protection is very important;)

  2. Valen if you're right worth so many young people do not see the importance of protecting themselves, some do know how important it is and the consequences it can bring against it.

  3. Pregnancy is perhaps one of the greatest pleasures you can feel like a woman in his life, is a wonderful experience to see first when you've been inside your body for several months. By then you should care for, protect, nurture and give love and affection in the company of your partner and family. But how is this feeling when it comes to an unwanted pregnancy or rather not expected. Such is the case with many young adolescents in our country, this is where the picture changes completely since these will have to face new and different roles in their daily lives, now in the need to fulfill the responsibility that comes growth of the baby they carry in their bellies. A pregnant teenager undergoes a complete metamorphosis as it changes your body, your mind (often there are feelings of guilt and shame) and their concerns are transformed, and are not the same. Furthermore it is not going to worry about the dress she was wearing to go to a party with her classmates, but how to tell their friends and family what is happening.

  4. it seems to me a very sad situation as it happens in every country in the world and is obviously due to education of the fathers to the children. tambn schools should take this situation to give guidance to young people

  5. I think that this problem is a reason of the lack of education in the young persons, in the places that this appears it is necessary to to reinforce the sexual education.
    I think that it is very serious since the youth is destroyed and is more difficultly to obtain a stable work.

  6. That problem is quite delicate so they have to be careful with such people.
